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Annotated Videography on Holocaust and Related Subjects:
Videotape Library Database

Published by:

The Holocaust Resource Center and Archives
Queensborough Community College
The City University of New York, Bayside, New York
Tel. (718) 225-1617
Fax (718) 631-6306

Prepared by the Staff of the Center:

Ellen Alexander
Felice Ehrlman
Jane Kebell
Lee Potasinski
Sarah Roberts
Joachim Schorr
Thea Sonnenmark

Dri William L. Schulman and Alfred Lipson

The Holocaust Resource Center and Archives was established to provide an educational resource for organizations and schools in the community. It is a nontax-levy project of the Queensborough Community College Fund, Inc., made possible through the generosity of donors. The original print publication was made possible by a special grant from the Borough President of Queens, Claire Shulman.

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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.
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